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Study Inn

Your Global Educational Hub Since 2008.

Years of impeccable performance in the education sector has crowned us as leaders in English language training, teacher professional development, administering Cambridge exams, and publishing academic literature.

Our In-House Publishing Division

Over 15 Years of Market Excellence.

Advance training

Submit your inquiry, and we'll provide a free consultation


Study Inn Educational Holding embarked on its journey in 2008 as an agency specializing in overseas education. Within just a couple of years, it swiftly ascended to become the foremost agency in Kazakhstan, setting a remarkable standard in the field.

Study Inn Educational Holding embarked on its journey in 2008 as an agency specializing in overseas education. Within just a couple of years, it swiftly ascended to become the foremost agency in Kazakhstan, setting a remarkable standard in the field.

A multitude of Kazakhstan students have received education at some of the finest universities across Europe and America, thanks to our efforts. The educational holding expanded its operations by establishing an exclusive partnership with World British Publishers.

In line with our commitment to promoting trilingual education in our country, we introduced a range of adapted English textbooks for students in grades 1 through 11. These textbooks are sourced from internationally renowned publishers, including Cambridge University Press and Pearson Education.

**Price list for educational literature on English published
by Cambridge University Press, authorized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan**

The main and long-term partners of the holding are: Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Expertise of Education Content, National Academy of Education named after Ybrai Altynsarin, National Center for Advanced Training "Orleu", Republican Scientific and Pedagogical Library, Regional Departments of Education.

Over the course of 15 years, a tremendous amount of work has been done:

Over the course of 15 years, a tremendous amount of work has been done:

Annual International Conferences and Forums are held with the support of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Republican Contests for teachers and Olympiads for students

Social and Charity Projects

As of today,
the Study Inn Group comprises:

As of today,
the Study Inn Group comprises:


Kokziek-Horizon Publishing House

The publishing house's catalog contains more than 100 (one hundred) titles of educational, fiction and popular science literature.


Study Inn Bookstore

By visiting our online store, you can purchase publications from publishers such as Cambridge University Press, Pearson Education, National Geographic Learning, Kokziek-Horizon


Cambridge Examination Center

Cambridge exam certificates are recognized worldwide, making them highly popular in our country.


International Professional Development and Certification Center

Advanced training courses for teachers.



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+7 727 341 0893 Reception

+7 771 772 2059 Study Inn Book House

+7 771 713 8883 Cambridge Exam Centre 

+7 771 713 8883 Advanced training for teachers

on call around the clock

Almaty, Nazarbayev ave, 235B 

Эл. почта:  strategy@studyinn.kz