International Professional Development Center
Master These Skills with Us:
· Navigating through model curricula of updated educational content, as well as goals, educational outcomes of students.
· Crafting personalized solutions and designs for lesson segments, focusing on holistic teaching across all speech activities.
· Evaluating and interpreting the latest developments in the field of linguodidactics, utilizing them in lesson projects.
· Gaining insights into your educational progress, fostering self-development, objectively assessing your accomplishments, and pursuing education autonomously.
4 Directions
For educators
Russian Language and Literature (Я2)
Short-term professional development courses for Russian Language and Literature (Я2) teachers "Formation of students' functional reading literacy at the lessons of Russian language and literature".
Course duration:
72 academic hours
— lectures: 48 hours
— practical classes: 12 hours
— independent work: 12 hours.
Training Format:
Offline, Online, Mixed.
For educators
English Language (L2)
Short-term professional development courses for English Language and Literature (я2) teachers "Formation of students' functional reading literacy at the lessons of Russian language and literature".
For educators
German language (Я2)
Short-term professional development courses for teachers "Improving Language and Professional Competence of German Language (Я2) teachers" within the framework of updating the content of secondary education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (for the level of primary, basic secondary, general secondary education)
Course duration:
108 academic hours
— lectures: 52 hours
— practical classes: 41 hours
— independent work: 15 hours
Training Format:
Offline, Online, Mixed.
For educators
kazakh Language and Literature (Я2)
Within the framework of updating the content of secondary education in the Republic of Kazakhstan (for primary, basic secondary, general secondary education) "Enhancement of linguistic and professional competencies of teachers of Kazakh language and literature (T2)" short-term EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM for professional development of teachers
Course duration:
72 academic hours
— lectures: 48 hours
— practical classes: 12 hours
— independent work: 12 hours.
Training Format:
Offline, Online, Mixed.
Our experienced speakers
Летяйкина Т.
(MSc in TESOL, Stirling University, UK)
Рахметова Р.С.
(п.ғ.д., доцент)
Танкибаева М.Х.
(Эксперт,к.ф.н.науч.рук.проекта «Немецкий язык в РК»)
Ким О. В.
(Кандидат педагогических наук, ассоц.проф.) Профессор РАЕ
Оразбаева Ф.Ш.
(п.ғ.д., профессор)
Тонких А.
(CELTA\DELTA trainer)
Юсуп П.К.
(п.ғ.д., профессор)
Новосельцева Н. В.
Юсуп А. Н.
(п.ғ.м., аға оқытушы)
Ибраева А. Б.
(Кандидат филологических наук, MA in Applied linguistics and TESOL)
Омарбекова Гульвира
(Senior teacher\CELTA\Fulbright)
Бекжанова Г. Г.
(Директор МЦПКС,TESOL\TESL\TEFL trainer)
Кабдулова К. Л.
(Доктор пед. Наук)
Дуйсенова Н.Т.
(Старший преподаватель кафедры мировых языков Таразского регионального университета им. М.Х. Дулати.)
Хамраева Елизавета
Александровна( доктор педагогических наук, зав.кафедрой лингводидактики РКИ и билингвизма МПГУ, с 2017 года — директор и научный руководитель Межвузовского центра билингвального и поликультурного образования РГПУ им Герцена.